18.09.2020 News

pro et con Parti­ci­pa­tes With a Lecture at the 22th Workshop “Software-Reengi­­nee­ring & Evolu­tion” (WSRE)

The workshop “Software-Reengi­­nee­ring & Evolu­tion” (WSRE) is the most important German-speaking forum on the topics of software moder­ni­sa­tion, reengi­nee­ring and mainten­ance. This year, the workshop took place at the Univer­sity of Pader­born, was organised by the GI-specia­­list group called “Software Reengi­nee­ring” and combi­ned resear­chers from univer­si­ties and practi­sing repre­sen­ta­ti­ves to facili­tate inter­di­sci­pli­nary exchange of experi­ence. As a perma­nent parti­ci­pant at the WSRE, also this year, we took part in the confe­rence programme with a lecture.

Mr. Grass­ler spoke about the automa­ted refac­to­ring of genera­ted Java code:

“Software-Migration ist keine Endsta­tion – Automa­ti­sier­tes Refac­to­ring von generier­tem Java-Code”

The abstract was published in: Software­­tech­­nik-Trends, volume 40, part 2, August 2020