07.02.2022 News

pro et con imple­ments stage 3 of the Online Access Act for the adminis­tra­tive process ZEBRA at ITZBund

Due to the new Online Access Act, which came into force as a law on 14 August 2017, Federal and State Govern­ments are obliga­ted to make their adminis­tra­tive services digital acces­si­ble via adminis­tra­tion portals until 2022.

In colla­bo­ra­tion with ITZBund (IT service provi­der of the German Federal Govern­ment) pro et con successfully imple­men­ted stage 3 of the Online Access Act for the adminis­tra­tive process ZEBRA. The main objec­tive was to provide users a consis­tent modern digital interface.

pro et con exten­ded the adminis­tra­tive process ZEBRA to enable a coupling to the adminis­tra­tion portal. There­fore, additio­nal data fields were imple­men­ted, which were used in corre­spon­ding positi­ons at the adminis­tra­tive process. Further­more, the old printing process was repla­ced by a new flexi­ble template-based printing process for PDF documents.

Hence users can now send their appli­ca­ti­ons to regis­ter a licen­sed distil­lery via the portal for citizens and business custo­mers online and are able to relin­quish tradi­tio­nal postal applications.

Further infor­ma­tion can be found at the press release by ITZBund.